Journal Perspectives on Medical Education
As the Editor in Chief of Perspectives on Medical Education, I strive to make perspectives an exciting and thought-provoking journal that caters to the interests of all those involved in medical education.
Perspectives on Medical Education is the english-language successor to the dutch-language journal of the Dutch Association for Medical Education (NVMO), `and it has has become a fully-fledged international scientific journal.
We opt to position the journal on the cutting edge of educational research and development, offering quality papers that are of interest to teachers, educational developers, policy makers and researchers: a position between more theory-oriented journals, such as Advances in Health Sciences Education and Medical Education on one hand and on the other hand journals with a more practical focus, such as Clinical teacher. We invite authors to submit papers that focus on the transition of theory to practice and if possible on the impact on patient care. Clinicians are an important target group for Perspectives.