I have published about a variety of topics related to assessment: programmatic assessment, progress testing, item format and matching assessment to problem based learningn
Stakes in the eye of the beholder: an international study of learners’ perceptions within programmatic assessment
Schut, S., Driessen, E., van Tartwijk, J., van der Vleuten, C. & Heeneman, S.
Medical Education 52: 654-663 doi: 10.1111/medu.13532
Ward round simulation in final year medical students: Does it promote students learning?
Claudia Behrens, Diana H. J. M. Dolmans, Jimmie Leppink, Gerard J. Gormley & Erik W. Driessen
Medical Teacher, DOI:10.1080/0142159X.2017.1397616
Perceptions of postgraduate trainees on the impact of objective structured clinical examinations on their study behavior and clinical practice
Opok, R.O., Kiguli, S., Ssemata, A.S., Govaerts, M. & Driessen, E.W.
Advances in Medical Education and Practice. 6: 431–437
The impact of programmatic assessment on student learning: theory versus practice
Heeneman, S., Oudkerk Pool, A., Schuwirth, L.W.T., Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. & Driessen, E.W.
Medical Education. 49: 487–498.
12 tips for programmatic
Van der Vleuten, C.P.M., Schuwirt, L, Driessen, E.W., Govaerts, M. & Heeneman, S
Medical Teacher Early online DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2014.973388
The use of programmatic assessment in the clinical workplace: A Maastricht case report.
Driessen, E.W., Tartwijk, J. van, Govaerts, M.J., Teunissen, P.W. & Vleuten, C.P.M. van der
Medical Teacher. 34:226-231
A model for programmatic assessment fit for purpose.
Vleuten, C.P.M. van der, Schuwirt, L.W.T., Driessen, E.W., Dijkstra, J., Tigelaar, D.E., Baartman, L.K.J. & Tartwijk, J. van
Medical Teacher. 34:205-214
Progress testing in resource-poor countries: a case from Mozambique.
Aarts, R., Steidel, C., Manuel, B.A.F. & Driessen, E.W.
Medical Teacher. 32: 461-4.
The assessment of professional competence: building blocks for theory development.
Vleuten, C.P.M. van der, Schuwirth, L.W.T., Scheele, F., Driessen, E.W. & Hodges, B.D.
Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. doi:10.1016/j.bpobgyn.2010.04.001.
Matching student assessment to Problem-based learning: lessons form experience in a law faculty.
Driessen, E.W. & Vleuten, C.P.M. van der.
Studies in continuing Education0 22 (2): 235-248
Beyond the multiple-choice v. essay questions controversy: combining the best of both worlds.
Driessen, E.W., Vleuten, C.P.M. van der, Berkel, H. van
The Law Teacher 33 (2): 159-171