Medical education research: aligning design and research goals
Cleland, J.A, Durning, S.J. & Driessen, E.W.
The Medical Journal of Australia. 208 (11): 473-475. doi: 10.5694/mja17.00941
Ethical Shades of Gray: Questionable Research Practices in Health Professions Education
Anthony R Artino Jr., Erik A Driessen, Lauren A Maggio
256982; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/256982
Are you sure you want to do that? Fostering the responsible conduct of medical education research
Maggio, L.A., Artino, A.R., Picho, K. & Driessen, E.W.
Academic Medicine 2017 doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001805
The articulation of integration of clinical and basic sciences in concept maps: differences between experienced and resident groups
Vink, S., Tartwijk van, J., Verloop, N., Gosselink, M., Driessen, E. & Bolk J.
Advances in Health Science Education DOI 10.1007/s10459-015-9657-2
What would happen to education if we take education evidence seriously?
Vleuten, C.P.M. van der & Driessen, E.W.
Perspectives on Medical Education. 3: 222-232.
Usuing activity theory to study cultural complexity in medical education.
Frambach, J.M., Driessen, E.W., Vleuten, C.P.M. van der
Perspectives on Medical Education 3: 190-203.
Perspectives: a journal on the cutting edge of educational research and development. Introduction from the new Editor in Chief.
Driessen, E.W.
Perspectives on Medical Education 3(1): 1-3.
When I say…metacognition.
Driessen, E.W.
Medical Education 48:561–562.